Escapades: A Novel

Purchase Escapades: A Novel on Amazon HERE.


Dawn Tey Cabrera’s life consists of a gay best friend (who attracts 10 times more guys than she does), a perfect cousin (literally, a gymnast who scores perfect tens), a pair of lips that have never been kissed, and lots and lots of baking. She’s about to graduate high school and attend one of the top culinary schools in the world, but what is really on her mind is that she has yet to find her Prince Charming. Normally, she’d keep her cool, but throw in senioritis, grandma issues, and the messiest three-way relationship known to mankind, and things don’t unfold very ‘fairytaley’…or do they?

Escapades is a story that will make you laugh and cry. It’s a story about love, friendship, and finding something to believe in.